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Not sure if Reseau is right for you?

Finally, a CRM for Builders!

Stop paying commissions for Real Estate Listings

MLS for Builders

MLS for Builders: Expand Your Reach and Streamline Listing Management

With Reseau’s MLS solution, your new home listings gain exposure to a vast network of realtors and potential buyers actively searching for properties. Push your listings to MLS with a click of a button and enjoy centralized listing management. Any updates made within Reseau are updated and displayed on MLS, ensuring accuracy and consistency across all channels. Stay in control of your listings while leveraging the extensive reach of MLS to attract qualified leads and accelerate your sales process.

Facebook Ads: Targeted Advertising that Delivers Results

Reseau’s integration with Facebook Ads empowers you to target your ideal audience with precision. Create highly targeted ad campaigns directly from the Reseau app and reach potential buyers who match your desired demographics. Maximize your advertising budget by placing your new home listings in front of the right people at the right time. With Reseau and Facebook Ads integration, you can generate quality leads and increase your chances of closing sales.

Register for a Demo: Experience the Power of Reseau in Action

Ready to witness firsthand how Reseau can revolutionize your home building business? Register for a demo today and let us guide you through our powerful features and intuitive interface.

Instagram, Facebook and LinkedIn Scheduling: Engage and Inspire with Visual Content

Reseau simplifies the process of managing your Instagram, Facebook and LinkedIn presence. Schedule your posts in advance, ensuring a consistent and engaging social media presence. Seamlessly upload images, write compelling captions, and plan your content strategy within Reseau’s user-friendly interface.

With our Social Media Scheduling integration, you can captivate your audience, showcase your new home listings, and drive traffic to your website from one centralized platform.

Website Integration: Showcase Your Inventory Online

Reseau offers seamless integration with your website, allowing you to display your new home inventory with ease. When a lot is reserved, conditional, or sold, the changes are instantly reflected on your website, ensuring accurate and up-to-date information for potential buyers. By integrating Reseau with your website, you create a cohesive online presence and provide a smooth user experience, enhancing your brand image and boosting buyer confidence

Google Ads: Targeted Marketing for Maximum Reach

Reach a wider audience and drive qualified traffic to your new home listings with Reseau’s integration with Google Ads. Effortlessly create and manage Google Ads campaigns within Reseau’s platform. Leverage the power of Google’s advertising network to display your listings to potential buyers actively searching for properties. With Reseau and Google Ads integration, you can maximize your online visibility, increase website traffic, and generate quality leads.

Get a demo

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Discover the Power of Reseau Today

Experience the future of home builder management and marketing with Reseau. Streamline your processes, increase sales efficiency, and save on costs by eliminating the need for realtors. Join the growing community of builders who have already embraced Reseau and are reaping the benefits of a centralized, user-friendly platform.

Get started with Reseau today and unlock the true potential of your home building business. Together, let’s redefine the way you manage, market, and sell new homes.

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